A historic moment: $10 millions for circus!
As the circus arts sector is faced with major challenges, particularly in relation to the collapse of its business model based on the export of shows, the Government of Quebec has granted the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) $10 millions to support our community during this unprecedented global crisis. This gesture also marks a historic moment. For the first time, the distinct issues of our art form have been recognized and funding has been dedicated to it.
After several months of advocating for the circus arts, En Piste, the National Circus Arts Alliance, is delighted with the announcement that will help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. The Alliance will work closely with the CALQ to identify support measures for the community. Details on how the funds will be allocated and on the circus-arts-specific programs will be announced in the coming weeks.
Artists and companies in Quebec can already take advantage of other assistance measures, such as SODEC's Soutien temporaire au fonds de roulement – COVID-19, financial assistance to 110 arts schools, the new Ambition numérique and Rayonnement numérique programs of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (MCCQ), and the three new CALQ programs for artists and arts organizations (all links are in French). We are convinced that all of the measures made available to the circus arts sector will help it get through the crisis and produce new works that will allow it to reach out to audiences here and everywhere. Visit out Financial resources page to know more about assistance measures available.
We're delighted to invite the circus arts community to a meeting with Anne-Marie-Jean, CALQ's President and CEO, and Véronique Fontaine, Director of Support for Creation and Production Organizations, on Thursday, June 18 at 4:00 p.m. They will provide an update on the funding allocated to the circus arts. This meeting will be preceded by the Annual General Meeting.
Finally, En Piste would like to thank the Government of Quebec for this financial assistance, and give special thanks to the MCCQ and the CALQ for the way they listened and supported us during this crisis that has shaken our sector.