
Let's choose the Quebec culture! 

Let's choose the Quebec culture!
August 20, 2021

The Ministère de la Culture et des Communications launched a major $1.3 million advertising campaign to help revitalize Quebec's cultural sector. 

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The cultural sector, which was severely affected by the pandemic, is gradually resuming its activities. In this context, and as an extension of the recovery plan for the sector introduced in the summer of 2020, the Ministry is launching a major advertising campaign to encourage Quebec citizens to visit cultural venues, according to the health measures in effect.

Whether virtual, in person or as a gift, all Quebec citizens are invited to contribute to the dynamism and durability of the cultural sector in the aftermath of a global health crisis.

The Ministry salutes the circus arts and their amazing performances. The circus holds an important place in the heart of Quebecers and the talent of our companies shines internationally.

Our community was hit hard during the pandemic and has shown great strength and resilience in the face of unprecedented changes in the environment.

En Piste applauds this initiative and invites the entire community to support the cultural and circus arts community which needs us more than ever!

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